Potato Donuts

Posted by Lisa on Tuesday, December 12, 2006. Filed under: ,

My next entry for "Proyek Cinta untuk Bunda Inong" : Donat Kentang (Potato Donuts) . These Donuts are very soft and delicious. Enjoy it with Donut Dusting or powdered sugar for the best taste. For the recipe click here.

3 Responses to Potato Donuts

  1. Home Cooking

    uhuyyyy...jadi pengen donut lagi neh lis

  2. Sumitha

    Hi just discovered your blog,i love to try the donut recipe,but cant floow the language in the mentioned link,can u post the recipe please?

  3. Lisa

    Hi Sumitha...
    Thanks for visiting. I will translate the recipe for you soon.